
Dear Invisible Friends, I made a tombstone out of clay as a decoration for my desk… “Morbid,” remarked my friend. “Bad Omen, ” whispered my mom. “Inspirational,” I murmured to myself. Here is why: A powerful reminder to use my time wisely. Contrary to what I have absorbed growing up, I understand that time and health,...
Dear Body, Laying on the floor, listening to a 40 min body scan meditation, I want to let you know that I acknowledge you exist. I have denied your presence for the past 40 years, but I can’t propagate this lie any longer. You are a part of me, and it is time to admit...
Dear Invisible Friends, Again, overwhelmed… but this time, the main cause is a pursuit of perfection. A few days ago, I finally gave up trying to figure out how to use the default WordPress (WP) theme, aka a website template. I tried to make the dreaded theme work; however, after two weeks, I had to...
Dear Invisible Friends,  I re-read my recent post – well, I was not in a good place. Today the workload is similar; however, it should be better by the end of this week. Speaking of better, I’d like to share a tool that might be helpful for your productive well-being.  This simple tool is called HALT –...
This morning, Sean and I went for a 10 miles hike around our neighborhood. I have been around these areas for the past four years, and I was under the impression that I saw it all: the ocean, grass, trees, and the sky. However, I encountered much more than usual. For once, we saw two...

About Me

Hi Invisible Friends!

Welcome to the stories of a recovering from work professional. I hope you will stay around and help me to build a sanctuary for “recovering” professionals, a safe and judgment-free space where we can learn and grow together. Enjoy exploring the blog!

My story


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