Sticky Post
Dear Invisible Friends, I have finished 3 pages of the site! They are still rough but it should do for now. Today, I want to share what I wrote for “My Story” in case you missed the page. I have procrastinating writing this final piece because I had to list all the “bad” things that happened to me since February 2020. Now I think I am ready to make last year and a half to be a part of my...
Dear Invisible Friends, This is the first blog post I have written for a while. I planned to continuously write when I quit my job back in May 2021 but when the blogging novelty wore off, I abandoned it because writing morphed into a daily grind of another passion project “getting done”. I was also tired of slamming into the walls of my limitations. I wanted to write about X, but the words didn’t come easy. I wanted to draw...
Dear Invisible Friends, It has been a year since I left my full-time job for a life sabbatical to rest and recharge. It has been an unusual time with many insights that transformed how I look at myself, my environment, and the world. Here is what happened in the beginning: Infestation with uncomfortable. Yep, once I was no longer employed, I was excited…hmmm…for a few days. My husband and I went for a short trip to Osaka. I was nice,...
You may or may not have noticed my absence. Well, I am happy to report that I ended up taking time off from my life sabbatical – the pause inspired by the “Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals” that challenged my thinking around time management systems and my priorities. After reading the book, I realized that I wasn’t clear on my life vision, so I stepped aside to examine my current situation from a safe distance. Since the blog fell...
Dear Invisible Friends, I made a tombstone out of clay as a decoration for my desk… “Morbid,” remarked my friend. “Bad Omen, ” whispered my mom. “Inspirational,” I murmured to myself. Here is why: A powerful reminder to use my time wisely. Contrary to what I have absorbed growing up, I understand that time and health, not money and fame are the most valuable resources. Turning 40 crystalized this awareness, especially in terms of my working life. I have already spent...
Dear Invisible Friends, Today I am reflecting on my 4,5 months life sabbatical brought to life by the “dream turned nightmare” position. For clarity, I decided to organize my thoughts around 3 themes: recovery, well-being, and passions. This installment covers the transition from a full-time job to almost complete unemployment. As you might recall, a year ago, I intuited that I would not last long pushing through bleak and grey days at my former organization. Thus, my family and I...
Dear Body, Laying on the floor, listening to a 40 min body scan meditation, I want to let you know that I acknowledge you exist. I have denied your presence for the past 40 years, but I can’t propagate this lie any longer. You are a part of me, and it is time to admit it. I am not sure how we got disconnected. I didn’t even know that you were with me during all those years because I spent...
Dear Invisible Friends, My recent Aha Moment – Ambition stays in the way of my success! This insight popped up during a tiny coaching conversation that revolved around my new writing projects about coaching. During the session, the coach asked me, “What stays in the way of you moving toward your goal?” I immediately blurbed, “Ambition,” and then thought, “Wow! How about that?”. Seriously, how is it possible that celebrated by everyone ambition keeps me stuck in one place instead of...
Dear Invisible Friends, A few days ago, I finally severed the invisible cord with my former employment by updating my work history on LinkedIn. To make the moment memorable, I also wrote a short post describing why I did it and what I would be up to next. In the message, I invited people to check out my blog, specifically “My story.” As you may remember, my story contained the reasons behind a life sabbatical making my bipolar diagnosis public....
Dear Invisible Friends,  I am lost, and that’s why. Today I participated in the first mentoring call for my professional coaching certification (ICF PCC). As usual, I volunteered to be a “client” for a coaching demo without fully comprehending what that entailed. I had been a guinea pig before, and I expected positive outcomes and food for thoughts. Well, I got more food than I could possibly digest.  Here how the story went. First, I presented my repeated “stuck” situation...
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About Me

Hi Invisible Friends!

Welcome to the stories of a recovering from work professional. I hope you will stay around and help me to build a sanctuary for “recovering” professionals, a safe and judgment-free space where we can learn and grow together. Enjoy exploring the blog!

My story


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